Telegram Mini Apps with HTMX, C# and Razor Pages

I've been an avid user and Premium member of Telegram for several years. When Telegram Mini Apps first appeared, it looked like a very promising new addition to the platform. One of the things Mini Apps emphasizes is the use of JavaScript to code up your front-end. I don't mind doing that (VueJS has been a favorite framework of mine), but something else recently tweaked my interest.

Why use a large JavaScript framework at all? I've started to see a lot of posts about Htmx making a resurgence - heck, a recent thread on Hacker News posits that Htmx is the future of web development. Khalid Abuhakmeh was talking about his Nuget package for That's the front-end experiment I'm going to challenge myself on. But what about the back-end?

Jeremy Miller has started his own company, creating some great tools that work well with PostgreSQL. Wolverine and Marten seem to be a good choice to quickly get a back-end up and running using best practices. They do a good job of taking a lot of mundane boilerplate code that we all end up writing and writing that for us using the latest in code generation.

There will be some other tools that I'll be using to test the application as I go along. I'll try to document them as best I can so that you can follow along.

I'm excited to start working on this project and have you along with me as we go along!

Tags: htmx, telegram, aspnet

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